T-1/BOTT/02/08 #Botany (Elective) /P-II / 2008 /2004 Syllabus/Part-I
Full Marks 100 Time :3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions Answer all the questions Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practiable 1.Answer the following questions:1x10=10 (a) Choose the correct answer: (i)Pappus is found in Trapa bispinosa/ Mikania cordata/ Mirabilis jalapa. (ii) Persistent calyx is found in Raphanus sativus/ Solanum melongena/ Mimosa pudica. (iii) Winged fruit is found in Cucurbita maxima/ Shorea robusta/Solanum indicum. (b)Fillin the blanks: (i)Each unit of classification is termed as _________. (ii)Pericarp is closely fused with seed coat in ______ type of fruit . (c)Name a monocotyledonous plant in which secondary growth is noticed? (d)What is meristem? (e)What is vasculum ? (f)In which Phytogeographical region maximum ...