
Showing posts from July, 2021

T-1/BOTT/02/08 #Botany (Elective) /P-II / 2008 /2004 Syllabus/Part-I

Full Marks 100                         Time :3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full       marks for the questions                 Answer all the questions Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practiable 1.Answer the following questions:1x10=10 (a) Choose the correct answer: (i)Pappus is found in Trapa bispinosa/ Mikania cordata/ Mirabilis jalapa. (ii) Persistent calyx is found in Raphanus sativus/ Solanum melongena/ Mimosa pudica. (iii) Winged fruit is found in Cucurbita maxima/ Shorea robusta/Solanum indicum. (b)Fillin the blanks:  (i)Each unit of classification is termed as _________. (ii)Pericarp is closely fused with seed coat in ______ type of fruit . (c)Name a monocotyledonous plant in which secondary growth is noticed? (d)What is meristem? (e)What is vasculum ? (f)In which Phytogeographical region maximum ...

Physical Education--Aims & Objectives

    The main aim   of Physical Education is the overall development of an individual i.e. he/she must be physically fit, mentally alert , emotionally balanced, socially well adjusted. That individual must be morally true and spiritually uplifed.              Williams J. F. said that, Physical Education should aim to provide skilled leadership, adequate facilities and ample time that will afford an opportunity to the individuals or groups to act in situations that are physically wholesome , mentally stimulating and satisfying and socially sound.            According to the National Planning of Physical Education and Research , Physical Education aims to make every child physically , mentally and emotionally fit . It also aims to develop him/her into a good citizen by developing his/her social quality and personality which will help him / her to live happy with other .

Physical Education - Meaning & Definition

  Literal meaning : Physical = related to body & Education=knowledge.         Physical   Education is a socially constructed activity that forms one component of wider physical culture that includes sport and health / physical activities (Kirk,1999;Lake, 2001;  Penney , 1998 ). There are many more definitions , a few of them are:  (1) Physical Education is a integral part of education which gives instructions in the development and care of the body ranging from simple calisthenic exercises to a course of study providing training to hygine , gymnastics and the performance and management of athletics games( The Webster's Dictionary) (2) Physical Education and training , is an organised instruction in motor activities that contribute to the physical growth, health and body image of the individual (  The Columtric Encyclopaedia ). (3) Physical Education is an education  through physical activities for the development of total perso...