Physical Education - Meaning & Definition
Literal meaning :
Physical = related to body & Education=knowledge. Physical Education is a socially constructed activity that forms one component of wider physical culture that includes sport and health / physical activities (Kirk,1999;Lake, 2001; Penney , 1998 ). There are many more definitions , a few of them are:
(1) Physical Education is a integral part of education which gives instructions in the development and care of the body ranging from simple calisthenic exercises to a course of study providing training to hygine , gymnastics and the performance and management of athletics games( The Webster's Dictionary)
(2) Physical Education and training , is an organised instruction in motor activities that contribute to the physical growth, health and body image of the individual ( The Columtric Encyclopaedia ).
(3) Physical Education is an education through physical activities for the development of total personality of the child to its fullness and perfection in body , mind and spirit ( Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and Recreation).
(4) Physical Education is the sum of those experiences which comes to individual through movements (Oberteuffer).
(5)J . B. Nash said that Phyical Education deals with big muscle activities and their related responses.
(6) According to C.C.Cowell Physical education is the social process of change in the behaviour of the human organisms, originally primarily from the stimulus of social-big-muscle play and related activities .
It means that Physical Education is a holistic education to develop mental, physical and behavioural activities of an individual through simple excersises and well-organized course of study and the increase of motor activities . Physical fitness , perfection of mind, body and soul alongwith physical efficiency , mental allertness ,etc also increased and developed through Physical Education. It also develops the leadership qualities, the team spirit and personal skills if regularly practised .
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