
Showing posts from December, 2022

Salad and dressing

Food Production 1 Unit 6 (i) Salad and dressing __________________________________ Definition of Salads:-   A small pieces of food such as pasta, meat,fruit or vegetablesvusually mixed with a dressing such as mayonnaise or set in gelatin is known as salad.    According to Oxford Living Dictionary, 'Salad is a cold dish of various mixtures of raw or cooked vegetables, usually seasoned with oil ,vinegar ,or other dressing and something accompanied by meat, fish, or other ingredients'. __________________________________ Components /Parts of Salads The basic four components of a salad are Foundation/ Base Body Garnish Dressing Foundation of the Salad (i) Foundation is the base ingredient of a salad. (ii) Green leaves of Romanie, Bibb lettuce, Boston, Iceberg lettuce,etc.,often used as the foundation of a salad. (iii) It acts as the underline of the salad. (iv) Leaves of iceberg or Boston lettuce are cup shaped ,hence make an attractive base and add height , whereas tossed sa...

Balance Diet

Balance Diet  A balance diet is a feeding pattern that provides adequate amounts of nutrients in their correct proportions as required by the body at particular time.     Balance diet of each individual can be determined according to his or her needs. The constituents of the balanced diet provide energy , growth, repair, physical regulations and replacement of cells . Balanced diets of moderately active adult Indians (Recomend by ICMR) in gm /day:- Food:  Cereals (rice/wheat) 520 gm (Adult Male)and 440 gm (Adult Woman) Pulses  50 gm (Adult Male) and 45 gm  (Adult Woman) Meat/Fish  30 gm (Adult Male) and 30. gm (Adult Woman) Milk 200  gm (Adult male) and 150  gm (Adult Woman) Oils/fats 45 gm (Adult Male) 25 gm(Adult Woman) Sugar/molases 35 gm (Adult male) 20 gm (Adult Woman) Roots and tubers (potatoes,etc ) 60 gm (Adult Male) 50 gm (Adult Woman) Green leafy vegetables  40 gm (Adult male) 100 gm (Adult Woman) Other vegetables  70 gm (...

BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR):-   BMR is the amount of energy per unit of time that a person needs to keep the body functioning at rest.   BMR is calculated by three different equations:- (i) Katch McArdle formula:- BMR Kcal/Day = 370 + 21.6 x Lean Body Mass ( kg) LBM= Wt(kg) x ((100-Bodyfat%/100) Or,  LBM for Male:-  0.407x wt (kg) +0.267 x height (cm) -19.2 LBM for Female:- 0.252 x wt (kg) + 0.473 x height (cm)- 48.3 (ii) Miffin St. Jeon equation:- BMR Kcal/day = {10 x body wt. (kg)} + { 6.25 x height ( cm) - 5 x age ( yr) + s* Kcal / day         Where, s*= +5 for male and -161 for female. (iii) Harris Benedict's Equation(1919):- It is the oldest method. For Male:- BMR Kcal/day = 66.5 + {13.75 x wt (kg)} + {5.003 x height ( cm)} - {(6.75 x age (yr)} For Female:- BMR Kcal/Day = 655.1 + {9.563 x wt. (kg)} + {1.805 x height ( cm) } -{4.676 x age (yr)} Determination of daily calorie needs :- Daily calorie needs depends upon activity factors which is ...