Salad and dressing
Food Production 1 Unit 6 (i) Salad and dressing __________________________________ Definition of Salads:- A small pieces of food such as pasta, meat,fruit or vegetablesvusually mixed with a dressing such as mayonnaise or set in gelatin is known as salad. According to Oxford Living Dictionary, 'Salad is a cold dish of various mixtures of raw or cooked vegetables, usually seasoned with oil ,vinegar ,or other dressing and something accompanied by meat, fish, or other ingredients'. __________________________________ Components /Parts of Salads The basic four components of a salad are Foundation/ Base Body Garnish Dressing Foundation of the Salad (i) Foundation is the base ingredient of a salad. (ii) Green leaves of Romanie, Bibb lettuce, Boston, Iceberg lettuce,etc.,often used as the foundation of a salad. (iii) It acts as the underline of the salad. (iv) Leaves of iceberg or Boston lettuce are cup shaped ,hence make an attractive base and add height , whereas tossed sa...