Balance Diet

Balance Diet 
A balance diet is a feeding pattern that provides adequate amounts of nutrients in their correct proportions as required by the body at particular time.
    Balance diet of each individual can be determined according to his or her needs.
The constituents of the balanced diet provide energy , growth, repair, physical regulations and replacement of cells .

Balanced diets of moderately active adult Indians (Recomend by ICMR) in gm /day:-
 Cereals (rice/wheat)
520 gm (Adult Male)and 440 gm (Adult Woman)
 50 gm (Adult Male) and 45 gm  (Adult Woman)
 30 gm (Adult Male) and 30. gm (Adult Woman)
200  gm (Adult male) and 150  gm (Adult Woman)
45 gm (Adult Male)
25 gm(Adult Woman)
35 gm (Adult male)
20 gm (Adult Woman)
Roots and tubers (potatoes,etc )
60 gm (Adult Male)
50 gm (Adult Woman)
Green leafy vegetables 
40 gm (Adult male)
100 gm (Adult Woman)
Other vegetables 
70 gm (Adult man)
40 gm (Adult Woman)
Daily dietary requirements of nutrients :-
Moderately active Man,Moderately active Woman,Pregnant Woman ,Lactating Woman ,Boy 16-18 yrs,Girl 16-18 yrs:-
Total K Cal:-(2800,2200,2700,2750,2820,2200) respectively.
Protein (gm) :-55 ,45,59,70,53,44 respectively.
Ca(gm) :-0.04-0.05,0.04-0.05,1.0,1.0,0.5-0.6,0.5-0.6 respectively.
Fe (mg):-,24,32,40,32,25 and 35 respectively.
Vit A /retinol (micro gm) :-750,750,750,1150,750 and 750 respectively.
Thiamin (mg) :-1.4,1.1,1.3,1.4,1.4,1.1 respectively.
Riboflavin (mg) :-1.7,1.3,1.5,1.6,1.7 and 1.3 respectively.
Nicotinamide (mg) :19,15,17,19,19
 and 15 respectively.
Vit C (mg):- 40,40,40,80,40 and 40 respectively.
Folic Acid (micro gm):-100,100,300,150,100 and 100 respectively.
Vit B12 (micro gm) :- 1 , 1,1.5, 1.5, 1 and 1 respectively.
   In addition for a boy or a girl 200 (ID) Vit D 
is required. 
    A pregnant woman needs more nutrients than a moderately active woman because she has to build foetus tissue, reserves forvbrest milk and also cater for her own nutritional needs. She must take one extra i.e., 4 meals per day.
      A lactating woman needs much more nutrients to produce enough milk to sustain a baby for the first six months and beyond. She needs a wide variety of food and adequate fluid. She must take 5 meals per day. 


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